1,298.6: Round off the (terminating) decimal number to the nearest hundred (3 whole places)

1,298.6 rounded to the nearest hundred (3 whole places) = ?

How is the number rounded off? Half Up, Half Down, Half Away From Zero, Half Towards Zero, Half to Even, Half to Odd. To Ceiling, To Floor.

Rounding a number means replacing it with a simpler, shorter approximation, while keeping its value close to the initial one. The rounded number will be less accurate, but easier to work with.

How is the number rounded off? Explanation.

Counting by hundreds (3 whole places at a time), our number is sitting on the axis of numbers between two consecutive neighboring numbers:
1,200 < 1,298.6 < 1,300

Our number is to be rounded off to one of these neighbors, the closer one.

The middle of this interval, the number that is equally close to the either neighbor, is: (1,200 + 1,300) ÷ 2 = 1,250

Our number, 1,298.6, is larger than 1,250, so it is closer to the larger neighbor: 1,300

Except for 'To Ceiling, To Floor', the rounded off number (both the positive and the negative) will be equal only to this larger neighbor.

Rule of thumb:

Rounding digit. Let's call the digit of the position place that is intended to round off to as the 'rounding digit'. The digit is 2: 1,298.6

In a positive number, if the digit to the right of the 'rounding digit' is larger than 5, then the number is rounded to the larger neighbor.

The digit is 9: 1,298.6 ≈ 1,300 rounded to the nearest hundred (3 whole places).

Or, even simpler.
In any number rounded to whole places, if the digit to the right of the 'rounding digit' is 5 (but it is not the last non-zero digit to the right) or more than 5, ie. 6, 7, 8 or 9, then increase the 'rounding digit' by 1 and replace all the digits to the right of it with zeros:

1,298.6 ≈ 1,300 rounded to the nearest hundred (3 whole places)

Below we round off both the positive and the negative:

Half Up, Half Down, Half Away From Zero, Half Towards Zero, Half to Even, Half to Odd. To Ceiling, To Floor.

Number Round Half Up:

Numbers that are halfway between two neighbors are rounded off to the larger neighbor. 1,298.6 is not halfway between its neighbors.

1,298.6 ≈ 1,300

- 1,298.6 ≈ - 1,300

rounded to the nearest hundred (3 whole places)

Number Round Half Down:

Numbers that are halfway between two neighbors are rounded off to the smaller neighbor. 1,298.6 is not halfway between its neighbors.

1,298.6 ≈ 1,300

- 1,298.6 ≈ - 1,300

rounded to the nearest hundred (3 whole places)

Number Round Half Away From Zero:

Numbers that are halfway between two neighbors are rounded off to the neighbor which is farther away from zero. 1,298.6 is not halfway between its neighbors.

1,298.6 ≈ 1,300

- 1,298.6 ≈ - 1,300

rounded to the nearest hundred (3 whole places)

Number Round Half Towards Zero:

Numbers that are halfway between two neighbors are rounded off to the neighbor which is closer towards zero. 1,298.6 is not halfway between its neighbors.

1,298.6 ≈ 1,300

- 1,298.6 ≈ - 1,300

rounded to the nearest hundred (3 whole places)

Number Round Half to Even:
(Gaussian Rounding or Banker's Rounding)

Numbers that are halfway between two neighbors are rounded off to the neighbor with an even rounding digit. 1,298.6 is not halfway between its neighbors.

1,298.6 ≈ 1,300

- 1,298.6 ≈ - 1,300

rounded to the nearest hundred (3 whole places)

Number Round Half to Odd:
(Gaussian Rounding or Banker's Rounding)

Numbers that are halfway between two neighbors are rounded off to the neighbor with an odd rounding digit. 1,298.6 is not halfway between its neighbors.

1,298.6 ≈ 1,300

- 1,298.6 ≈ - 1,300

rounded to the nearest hundred (3 whole places)

Number Round Ceiling:

All the numbers that are between two neighbors are always rounded off to the larger neighbor.

1,298.6 ≈ 1,300

- 1,298.6 ≈ - 1,200

rounded to the nearest hundred (3 whole places)

Number Round Floor:

All the numbers that are between two neighbors are always rounded off to the smaller neighbor.

1,298.6 ≈ 1,200

- 1,298.6 ≈ - 1,300

rounded to the nearest hundred (3 whole places)

More operations like this:

Round off the number 1,298.7. Round off the (terminating) decimal number to the nearest hundred (3 whole places)

All Numbers Are Rounded Off: Half Up, Half Down, Half Away From Zero, Half Towards Zero, Half to Even, Half to Odd. To Ceiling, To Floor. Rounding Off Integers, Terminating Decimals, Pure or Mixed Repeating (Recurring) Decimal Numbers

Round off to whole places or decimal places

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All the operations with the numbers rounded off by users...

How to round off numbers?

1. Rounding off numbers: definition.

2. How to round off a number to whole places?

3. How to round off a number to decimal places?

4. Mathematical explanation of the rules used in numbers rounding.

5. Special cases. Examples.